Thursday, 9 January 2014


  • What does the word "trade" mean?
  • How might a trade be good?
  • How might a trade be bad?
  • What do you think this book will be about? 
  • Where might the story take place? 
  • What is the character carrying in the jerry cans? 


  1. Ms. Morrison and Ponte's JKSK class10 January 2014 at 07:04

    The story is about trading. I think they're going to trade and have fun. The character is in the bushes. Maybe the character will get hurt in the bushes. We think the story will take place far, far away.

  2. Mrs. McGregor's Grade One class14 January 2014 at 07:52

    Trade means to share. Trade is when you give to someone else and they give back to you. A trade is good when people give you things to use. We think the story will take place in the forest, a farm, or a house.

  3. Ms. Bozik and Mrs. VandeWetering's JKSK class14 January 2014 at 10:38

    Trade means giving something to another person and they give something to you. We think the story will take place outside in the woods. We think the story will take place at a school.

  4. Mrs. Ponting and Ms. Barnhill's JKSK class15 January 2014 at 06:59

    Trade means when you have a toy that someone else wants, you give it to them. They give you a toy that you want. We think the story takes place in the forest. We think there is oil in the jerry cans to go camping. We think there is oil in the jerry cans for cars.

  5. Mrs. Goddard and Mrs. Patterson's JKSK class15 January 2014 at 07:49

    We think the character is in the jungle. We think there is grass and a field. We also think there is a garden. We think that there is candy inside the jerry cans. There might also be lunch and something to drink.

  6. Mrs. Newman's Grade Two class15 January 2014 at 08:25

    We think this story takes place in a poor country because it's called a good trade and they usually don't get as many things there. We think the story is set in Africa because the book cover looks like Africa.

  7. Ms. Charles' Grade Two class15 January 2014 at 10:04

    Trade means that if you want something you give something for something. It should be equal. A trade is good if it's something really special...something that you want. A trade is bad if you give someone something good and they give you something bad. We think the book will be about trading. Maybe he'll trade the yellow one or the blue one. The story takes place at a farm where he's growing plants. The character is outside. The sun is setting and he is planting things and he is tired of planting. He might be in Africa.

  8. Ms. Swartz and Ms. Lebel's JKSK class15 January 2014 at 10:40

    We think there is gasoline in the jerry cans. There might be orange juice and ice. Maybe he is bringing it to a playdate. We think there will be kids who are mean to him. He will try to give them stuff but they won't give it back.

  9. Mrs. Bell's Grade One class16 January 2014 at 07:58

    Trade means when someone wants something, you give it to them and they give something to you. A trade is good when both people have something good. We think the story takes place in the forest. They will make a trade in the forest. There might be bugs in the jerry cans. There might be food in the jerry cans. Maybe there will be water in the cans. There could even be oil in the jerry cans.

  10. Mr. Goz' Grade Two class16 January 2014 at 10:05

    The story is set in Africa because African people might not have lots of things. The story might be set in Jamaica because it looks like people who carry buckets of water. It may take place in a corn field in Africa. We think there is water in the jerry cans because they don't have much water there. They are going to trade the water for something.


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