Monday, 10 February 2014


Ask questions about the book!


  1. Mrs. Dupuis and Mrs. Crowley's JKSK class11 February 2014 at 06:58

    Is the boy catching a seed?
    Do seeds grow on trees?
    Where is he?
    Is it a boy or a girl?
    Where is he going?
    Why is he holding a seed?

  2. Mrs. Orser's Grade One class11 February 2014 at 08:10

    Why is the seed in his hand and why is it held away from him?
    Why is the boy looking at the sky?
    When is he going to plant the seed?
    Is the seed going to be a tree?
    How does the seed grow?

  3. Mrs. McGregor's Grade One class12 February 2014 at 08:08

    Does the story take place under a tree?
    Does the seed grow in the sky?
    Is the story a dream?
    Does the boy plant the seed?
    Are lots of things falling on the boy's head?
    If he plants the seed, does it turn into a beanstalk?

  4. Ms. Bozik and Mrs. vandeWetering's JKSK class12 February 2014 at 10:46

    Does he find something that falls off a tree?
    Why is he trying to catch a seed?
    Why are seeds falling?
    How did the seed get bigger and bigger?
    Why is the seed falling off the branch?
    Why does the seed grow on the branch?

  5. Ms. Barnhill and Mrs. Ponting's JKSK class13 February 2014 at 07:16

    Why is the boy outside?
    Why is he trying to eat the seed?
    Why is the boy standing next to a tree?
    Why is the boy catching a seed?
    What is the boy's name?
    Why is the leaf falling down?
    Why is the seed on the tree?

  6. Mrs. Goddard and Mrs. Patterson's JKSK class13 February 2014 at 08:19

    Where does the story take place?
    What is the setting?
    What happens in the middle of the story?
    Is that a boy or a girl on the cover?
    What happens in the end of the story?

  7. Mrs. Newman's Grade Two class13 February 2014 at 09:46

    Why is the story about a seed?
    Why is the title, If You Hold a Seed?
    Why is he holding a seed?
    Is the seed a part of the story?
    What is his name?
    What is going to happen in the story?
    What will happen if you hold a seed?

  8. Ms. Charles' Grade Two class13 February 2014 at 10:08

    Is he going to plant the seed?
    Is he going to the farm to plant it?
    Is he going to his back yard to plant it?
    Is he going to plant the seed in a flower pot?
    What's the boy's name?
    Is the boy going to give the seed to his friend?
    Where does the boy live?

  9. Mrs. Bell's Grade One class14 February 2014 at 08:06

    Why is the boy holding a seed?
    Where did he find the seed?
    Who is he?
    Why did he hold the seed?
    Where does the story take place?
    Why is he in the mountains?

  10. Ms. Morrison and Ms. Ponte's JKSK class25 February 2014 at 07:01

    Is he going to play with the seed? Is he going to plant the seed? Why does the seed float? Is the seed going to fly? Is he going to let the seed go? Is he going to roll the seed down a hill? Is he going to give the seed to a bird?

  11. Mr. Goz' Grade Two class3 March 2014 at 10:07

    Why is he catching the seed? Why is the sky green and yellow? Why is the tree black? Why are the leaves falling from the trees? Why is the boy brown? Why does the boy have brown hair? Why is the ground yellow? Why is the tree bending? What type of seed is he holding?


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